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[500 Loving Meals] is a free meal service to support poor children in the world to make them have one proper meal per day and a decent living as well. By becoming a [500 Loving Meals] Member, contributing $250 every month can support one daily meal for more than 500 poor children as a head cook of the day. The first table was already begun in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia and has been offering 500 children nutritious breakfast every day. The second table for the children in a jungle area of the Amazon is in a preparatory stage at the moment.

To make [500 Loving Meals] open and aboveboard management, <5-person committee> was formed among the International NGO, the local NGO, local parties of government and social figures (a doctor, enterpriser, jurist and so on). All of these persons cooperate in different fields such as a budget, voluntary service and support and proceed this project together. As this cooperation system is firmly settled, a large-scale support system can be managed in cooperation with UN and other international organizations. Construction of this support system is the goal of [500 Loving Meals].


The significance of [500 Loving Meals] is not simple free meal service but the clear support procedure through which $250 donated by supporters is used only for the recipient children, not for any other purpose. Although this project was begun, preparation and has been proceeded by the international NGO such as KVO, it will be desirable for recipients to have a sense of independence, participate in this project, understand the process of support and be able to live for themselves gradually. This successful model can help international community and UN cooperate to support poor children and elderly people of the world more efficiently and substantially.


To make [500 Loving Meals] extend to [Five billion Loving Meals],
To make [500 Loving Meals] be a lamp of hope in the site of hunger and poverty,
To make a direct pipeline which has no leakage for support from the haves to the have nots.
Steady support and voluntary participation is required.